The sewage sludge directive has fulfilled its initial objectives and has contributed to increase the amount of sludge used in agriculture while reducing the associated risk for public health and the environment. Nevertheless in several areas the Directive is no longer matching with stakeholders needs. Furthermore, new scientific progress and technological developments, as well as changes in the EU policy …

New ISO standard about the beneficial use of Biosolids on land
The ISO 19698 standard about the Beneficial use of Biosolids on land has been published in september 2020. This document provides guidance on the conditions of beneficial use of municipal and industrial Biosolids and their derived products (e.g. composts, growing media) in the production of food and feed crops, energy crops, forestry crops and for the remediation of disturbed sites. …

Join the Linkedin discussion group about Biosolids land application in the EU
Biosolids Recycling Europe is the name of the discussion group launched recently by EFAR on Linkedin. This group has been created for information and expertise exchange about organic matter and nutrient recovery through Biosolids and organic waste land application. It is a dedicated space to determine the optimal conditions under which Biosolids land application can be part of the circular …

An EU action plan for the Circular Economy
The European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Package, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste to stimulate Europe’s transition towards a circular economy which will boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. The Circular Economy Package consists of an EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy that establishes a concrete and ambitious programme of action, …

Closing event of the 2015 International Year of Soils “Healthy soil for healthy life”
The European Commission co-organises with the authorities of the regions Brussels Capital, Flanders and Wallonia a Conference to conclude the International Year of Soils ‘Healthy soil for healthy life” on 4 December 2015. The event will be hosted by Brussels Environment in its new auditorium located in the site of “Tour et Taxis” in Brussels (Belgium). The event is …

Roadmap on the fertilisers Regulation published
European Commission has published its Roadmap on the Revision of the Fertilisers Regulation. The roadmap describes the different options on how to revise the Fertilisers Regulation but does not give any answers yet. It is interesting to see that the impact assessment (which started already in 2011) is now being revised to also include the option of “optional harmonisation”, in …